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Ariel C

Ariel C


Hi, I am an 18 year old student, finishing my last semester of High School. I currently attend an...

  • Usually replies in less than a day

  • Helper Roles Babysitter, Nanny (live-out)

  • Availability Part-time

  • Shifts Weeknights

  • About Me

    Hi, I am an 18 year old student, finishing my last semester of High School. I currently attend an Arts School, where I major specifically in Theater and Drama. I have learned over my four years there, how to have fun and learn at the same time. There are many skills I have learned, that allows me to have a personality fit for a child care position.
    I am looking for a part-time nanny and babysitting position, as I love working with children. I have applied at Universities for Concurrent Education in Theater, to become a teacher in the future. This means that my career path involves interacting with young children, and that has become a passion of mine.
    I live in Mississauga, Canada. I have a younger brother and I live with my parents, who are both educators. My mother is a Grade 8 Math and English Teacher, so I have learned firsthand how to deal with and take care of children.
    I love to read and write, and have gotten honors for a writing competition I entered a few months back. I have a passion for cuisine, and enjoy cooking and creating new flavors for meals. I am dedicated, caring and mature. I have great problem solving skills, which allows me to handle and deal with a situation in a calm and timely fashion. I am a very strong leader and when it comes to communication skills, I can hold my own and create a safe and nurturing environment for any child.
    I have volunteered at some schools, and I understand how to appeal to the needs of each child as an individual. I am always punctual, responsible, and extremely independent. I can be counted on to follow instructions and to maintain a very professional behavior in any task I approach.

    • Education: Graduate degree
  • Qualifications
    • Basics
    • Skills
    • Extra
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