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Cagri T

Cagri T


I come from a fairly large family and having to help raise my younger sibling has really taught m...

  • Usually replies in less than a day

  • Helper Roles Babysitter, Nanny (live-out)

  • Availability Full-time

  • Shifts Flexible/anytime, Overnight

  • About Me

    I come from a fairly large family and having to help raise my younger sibling has really taught me the in's and out's when it comes to caring for someone else and making sure all their needs be met. I have done the basics from changing diapers to teaching my sibling how to read and write, from taking him to the park to picking him up from school. I understand how important it is that a child is able to be in an environment and with people who will help them grow and learn, and I know that many parents have a lot going on and getting the right support can mean a lot. I have an interest in going into the health field, particularly the mental health field to help individuals, and the reason I mention this is because I have not only taken care of my sibling but also many young adults whom I have become close friends with. I have worked towards being a mentor and role model for younger individuals and have aided them in their times of need and provided the proper support, I am a very empthatic individual and I believe this greatly contributes to my passion for helping and providing care for others. As far as interests and hobbies go, I write and paint a lot and I was also into filmmaking for a bit. I am a very artsy person mainly because I strongly believe it is a great way of self expression and growth.

    • Education: Graduate degree
  • Qualifications
    • Basics
    • Skills
    • Extra
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