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Mayda M

Mayda M


Hi there, I will try to provide you my personality type for your convenience. I am one that is ca...

  • Usually replies in less than a day

  • Helper Roles Babysitter, Nanny (live-out)

  • Availability Occasional, Part-time

  • Shifts Overnight, Weeknights

  • About Me

    Hi there, I will try to provide you my personality type for your convenience. I am one that is caring, loving yet keep information learned private as a work ethic. I adapt to visually taking an assessment of what I can take on personally and to what length of experience explained in full and will note this for future reference if I dont' live up to what I state or unless that just can't take place as to my ability. I take pride in my work and very clean and sanitary on a normal basis and even more so when handling any equipment or others belongs. In being honest, I sometimes care too much to the point I will over-extend myself, so I monitor myself as to workload and types of lifting I can do now, and all I expect is the opportunity to speak to that causation if it applies for a particular job, as my level now to strength is changeable to me as well. Once I get into a routine I normally jump in a do what has to be done and adapt if an interruption by accidents that take place during and before I arrive, but as personable as can be with time allowed. I am helpful to ones that want to still "do their own thing" "their own way" and take advice and instruction well. I am returning to the workforce, as suffer a bit of RA myself so I just will have to adjust my strength to your workload, as if other requested wants come into the fold of my work schedule as I cook as well if needed, that the client is aware that is time away from cleaning or other duties and just be mindful of that being the case. I used to own my own café/restaurant so not afraid of hard work, so I offer to do functions for special occasions as long as things are provided and accounted for to me, as I don't have a vehicle at present and only been here in Victoria a short time. I was into studies for the past time period to upgrade. References in my case are totally honest and upfront to speak of but not available unfortunately as some have folded business and others don't want their info provided to general public,, so my main line of experience was all years past collectively to another area since my move here. I feel that most can tell by my explaining what jobs I done and imperative skills to them, that they will know by that what I do know. As mentioned earlier I had taken time to do self-study at home presently to further education and went back to school but willing to take more if required necessity. I am licensed with Class 5, but no car at present and working towards that possibility, and have a clear abstract. I really would like to be able to stay on a bus route that suits convenience for the time being and have clients be mindful of how long it may take or mishaps to scheduling and changes to transit system if possible. I am of mature mid age, responsible and normally can multitask plus take initiative to be considerate of others situations. Thanks for reading and hope to be on touch soon.

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