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Cheryl A

Cheryl A


Hello, I am a 47 year old mom of two amazing young men. I work full time for an educational insti...

  • Usually replies in less than a day

  • Helper Roles Babysitter, Nanny (live-out)

  • Availability Occasional, Part-time

  • Shifts Overnight, Weeknights

  • About Me

    Hello, I am a 47 year old mom of two amazing young men. I work full time for an educational institution but now that my boys are out of school (and sports) I am finding that I have a lot of spare time on my hands. I recently decided that a part time job would solve the problem. After searching through countless job opportunities, I realized that the only thing I would enjoy doing in my spare time is taking care of other children. I take care of my friends children (newborn and up) on occasion and I find myself wishing they would go out on the town more! I am a "hands on" caregiver who still believes that crafts, the backyard and the park are better alternatives for a developing imagination than the TV, the computer or the IPAD. I would prefer to work for 1 or 2 families on a regular basis in order to develop a consistent familiarity and trust with the child(ren) as well as the parents. Cheers!

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